Around Redeployment

Around Redeployment

Around Redeployment

Do Employers require a defence against a claim of Unfair Dismissal?

“(a) the person’s employer no longer required the person’s job to be performed by anyone because of changes at the operational requirements of these employer’s enterprise;

providing all relevant Information (in writing) concerning the changes to the affected employees (including nature of those changes proposed, expected effects of those changes on the employees, and measures to avert or mitigate the adverse effects); and

As the economy continues in difficult times, employers are increasingly confronted Using the possibility of Producing employees redundant. How do you achieve this while still protecting yourself from one a claim for unfair dismissal? Alternatively, as an employee, what seem to be your rights When refer to being made redundant?

If you’ve been dismissed around the basis of redundancy and you want to already know if it may well amount to unfair dismissal, early legal advice is vital because you only have 14 days from one the date the dismissal takes effect to bring an application for unfair dismissal. We will assistance to you with this.

(d) the dismissal was not a case of genuine redundancy.”

Further, the employer must prove that it was not reasonable at the instances to the person to be redeployed.

Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corporation first postulated the now-famous Moore’s law in the nineteen seventies. Moore’s law states that the processing or computational power of silicon chips will double every twenty-four months, while pricing for these chips will halve in the same time period. This law has remained relatively constant for over twenty years. We are now approaching a time when this seemingly immutable law is becoming outdated. In fact, new silicon chips are doubling in power; with new chips coming online within twelve to eighteen months, while pricing is being halved in